School Council
There is an active school council at Honeywell. Representatives from each class meet regularly to discuss the work of the school and give ideas for future development. The school council gives children a say in how the school is run. It meets every week and consists of pupils elected by their classes.
Matters affecting the whole school are discussed, such as playtime rules, the behaviour policy, improvements to the premises and community links. At each meeting a summary of the discussion is videoed and put on the school learning platform so that even the youngest children in the school have the chance to contribute. We have worked closely with the school council recently on the routines for lunchtime. As a result the children’s suggestions for lining up have been incorporated into our lunchtime routine. The school council gave a detailed brief for the planning of the new school garden. There was an overriding consensus that the children wanted lots of exciting areas to play in, on and around and the council gave the final plans a big thumbs up.