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Honeywell Infant School

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Current Strategic Priorities

Honeywell Infant School / Strategic Plan 2023 – 2024


Priority 1: Excellence in Quality of Education

1. Embed the Honeywell Infant lesson model for the foundation subjects that detail the small steps required to achieve the learning intention

2. Further develop assessment procedures for the foundation subjects

3. Further develop the use of Teaching for Mastery so that 90%+ of pupils continue to achieve ARE in Maths and 40% at Greater Depth

4. Review current phonics teaching and adapt for the school’s cohort so that at least 90%+ of pupils continue to achieve ARE in Reading and 50% at Greater Depth

5. Enrich outdoor learning opportunities in Reception


 Priority 2: Excellence in Behaviours and Attitudes

1. Ensure consistency in school rules and procedures in relation to behaviour


 Priority 3:  Excellence in Personal Development

1. Ensure that trips and visitors are used to support the teaching of the curriculum and motivate pupils’ learning


 Priority 4: Excellence in Leadership and Management

1. Continue to support all subject leaders (middle leaders) in carrying out monitoring and evaluation activities resulting in an excellent curriculum for all children

2. Further strengthen foundation subject links between year groups

3. Set precise targets / actions to improve our environmental sustainability
