Key Stage 1
Key Stage 1 consists of Years 1 and 2. Children move into Year 1 in the September after their 5th birthday and start to learn the subjects of the National Curriculum, which are:
Art & Design
Design & Technology
Physical Education
Other subjects which are included in the syllabus are:
Personal, Social Health & Citizenship Education
Religious Education
There is a transition phase as children start Key Stage 1 and make the change to a slightly more structured day and way of learning. Children are still actively engaged in activity based learning and there is a focus on reading, writing and maths, supplemented by a broad and exciting curriculum. The curriculum includes trips to places in and around London in order to enhance learning. In Key Stage 1 children have two short playtimes and a longer lunch break. They attend assembly every morning, where moral and topical themes are explored and school values reinforced. Children also have the opportunity to share their work with each other in a weekly Achievement Assembly.
To find out more about the curriculum in the Infants please speak to Fiona Arnold.