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Honeywell Infant School

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"Pure Mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas"

Albert Einstein



The Mathematics curriculum at Honeywell Infant School aims to provide all children with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need in order to:


  • be competent mathematicians at primary school and lay the foundations for future learning
  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematical learning
  • reason mathematically
  • solve problems
  • make connections with other curriculum areas
  • be financially literate in future life
  • acquire an appreciation of the beauty of maths and a sense of curiosity and enjoyment
  • be inspired by a diverse range of mathematicians and the contribution that they have made to mathematical thinking

Mathematics Curriculum Map

Maths Gallery


As a result of our teaching, the vast majority of children achieve age related expectations in Maths with a significant proportion, around 40%, working above  age related expectations. The children are confident about maths as they have a  deep understanding of number, fluency and of mathematical procedures and operations. 


Here are some of the things the children said about maths at Honeywell:


Year One Child: "I like Maths because it makes your brain bigger and you learn lots of things"


Year One Child: "I like doing the part-part whole models we are learning about!"


Year One Child: "In Maths you learn what numbers together make – I want to be like my brother in Year 3. He tells me a lot about numbers, big numbers like 100"


Year Two Child: "Maths is fun because there are equations and when I solve them I feel fun!"


Year Two Child: "We are actually all so good at Maths here, it is our favourite subject"


Year Two Child: "I like Maths because it makes your brain bigger and you learn lots of things"



