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Honeywell Infant School

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Our PSHE curriculum aims to provide all children with the skills, knowledge and understanding they need in order to:


  • make safe and responsible decisions
  • appreciate the importance of physical activity and diet for a healthy lifestyle
  • be emotionally healthy
  • thrive as individuals, family members and members of society
  • develop teamwork, communication and resilience to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of the modern world
  • voice their opinions, and discuss their own home lives, cultural values and lived experiences

RSE Statement

RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) is the lifelong learning about relationships, emotions and looking after ourselves, different families, and embedding the necessary skills required in order to behave safely and responsibly in the modern world. At Honeywell Infant School, the intent of our RSE curriculum is to help and support our pupils through their physical, emotional and moral development. RSE plays a key role in developing the skills required in order to develop personally, socially, morally and spiritually. Our programme is delivered discretely through our weekly PSHE content and aims to provide the basic, fundamental skills in order to:


  • Develop confidence in recognising and discussing their emotions and expressing them effectively and appropriately
  • Develop a sense of self-worth, self-respect, confidence and empathy
  • Develop awareness of the diverse range of relationships and family units, and their importance for the care and support of children
  • Develop a sense of self-worth and confidence to value themselves and others as individuals
  • Behave responsibly and develop safe relationships with others, eg: being a good friend, respecting others
  • Recognise unsafe situations and be able to make safe and responsible decisions to keep themselves safe, and identify trusted adults who they can go to for support
  • Recognise and respect that individuals make different decisions and that we should respect these decisions
  • Develop appropriate and effective communications skills
  • Teach children the correct terminology to describe themselves and their bodies

PSHE (including RSE) Curriculum Map
